For the third year running, Beanstalk was commissioned to attend the International Fresh Produce Association – Global Produce & Floral Show, which this year was held in Atlanta, Georgia October 2024, to run video interviews and photography. Some of the highlights of the show included the likes of the keynote speakers including Marc Randolph – Co- Founder of Netflix, Rodney McMullen – Chairman & CEO of The Kroger retailer, Reshma Saujani – Leading activist and Founder of Girls Who Code and especially the keynote State of the Industry presentation from Cathy Burns – CEO of the IFPA with the overarching statement from her of “Fight for Fresh”.
The show is a brilliant opportunity to make new business connections and enhance existing ones, hear enlightening speakers, and see the best expo in produce and floral, all under one roof!
To see our photography, click the links:
Day Three – CLICK HERE
And to see our Beanstalk Global video Interviews, just click on the pictures as below.
Cathy Burns – CEO of the IFPA

Chris White – MD of Fruitnet Media

Michael Jackson – Host of #GPFS2024 Post His Interview with Marc Randolph the Co-Founder of Netflix

Lipman Family Farms

Miriam Wolk – Chief Membership Officer of the IFPA

John Paap of Jac.Vandenberg

Chris Veillon – Fresh Sector Marketing Expert

Kim Chackal of Equifruit

Jose Cambon and Kelly Hale of Highline Mushrooms

Bryan Barsness of GrubMarket Inc.

Elisha Cope of Lakeside Organic Gardens

Brenda Briggs post winning the Women’s Catalyst Award

The Team from Prophet

George Shropshire and Team from Offshoot Brands

Adam Brumberg of Cornell University

Michael Barker – Key Sector Journalist, Editor and Speaker

Jennie Coleman of Equifruit Discussing The Background & Aims of their unique business

Adam Havrilla of The Elite Flower business

Denise Junqueiro of Apeel

Steve Smith of Washington Fruit Growers

Maribel Davila and Angela Allen of Bonduelle Americas

And a huge thanks to the IFPA team as it a pleasure working with them and all of their amazing members to create the content that we do for! And put the dates in the diary for next years event which are the 16th-18th of October 2025 in Anaheim in California. See you there!
If you would like us to assist in presenting your event in a unique manner, be that pre-event Broadcasts or video interviews and photography at your event/conference, just contact us direct to see how we can assist at