Three million are going hungry in the UK because of lockdown. Food poverty is escalating and food banks are getting overwhelmed. What is the answer?

Research shows stark drops in income have pushed many families into poverty. More than 3m people in Britain are going hungry because of the coronavirus crisis showing that stark drops in income have pushed many families into poverty during the lockdown. The Food Foundation stated earlier in April that in a recent survey they conducted of adults, the equivalent of 3m people, told them that a lack of food had forced someone in their household to go without eating during the past three weeks.

To compound the situation, the sharp increase in food poverty since the lockdown began has left food banks struggling to meet demand, at the same time as donations from members of the public had reduced. Some independent food banks have seen demand increase in the past fortnight by as much as 300 per cent compared to the same time last year. Experts have warned that a response that focuses only on food banks will fail to address the underlying causes of food poverty, and risk “institutionalising” food aid.

The collective problem appears to be a lack of income and a lack of food. Does this stem from the fact that there is a level of poverty in the likes of the UK that is being ignored? We talk to a number of industry experts in this Beanstalk webinar to gain their views and possible solutions on this important subject.

Watch and listen, and be inspired.

Host: Max MacGillivray – Editor in Chief, Beanstalk Global

Recorded May 2020

Our expert panel

Lucy Antal

Project Manager – Regional Food Economy & Sustainable Food Adviser

Leon Aarts

Compassion London

Dr Miranda Pallan

Institute of Applied Health Research. Reader in Public Health & Epidemiology

Morven Mceachern

Professor of Sustainability at The University of Huddersfield

Dawn Stanford

Nourish Community Foodbank

Max MacGillivray

Editor in Chief, Beanstalk Global


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