Courgette spiralised salad with radish-top pesto
Courgette Zoodle Salad with radish top pesto. (Serves 2) Courgette Zoodle Salad Ingredients: 2 medium courgettes 1 vine of tomatoes 6 Radish
Radish Top Pesto:
Radish top greens are rich in gut supporting fibre and many nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus.
70g radish tops (1 large bunch) washed and drained.
1 cup (30g) spinach
1/2 clove garlic minced
1/4 cup sunflower seeds dry roasted in the oven.
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
Lemon zest (1/4 lemon)
Place all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth or pulse blend for a more textured pesto.
Place in a sealed jar and store for up to a week in the refrigerator.
Created by Sustainable Kitchen Consultants, a team of Nutrition trained Chefs. Specialising in creating delicious and innovative plant-based and allergen-friendly food, working with Retail and Food service sectors. Contact them for Recipe Development, Live Cooking demos, Training, Food photogrpahy and more,
Courgette Zoodle Salad with radish top pesto. (Serves 2) Courgette Zoodle Salad Ingredients: 2 medium courgettes 1 vine of tomatoes 6 Radish
Radishes are rich in many nutrients including vitamin A, C, folate, choline, B-6, manganese, and potassium. They are usually eaten raw, and
With more than 40 years combined experience our team of Nutrition trained Chefs from Sustainable Kitchen Consultants are skilled in creating delicious, healthy recipes, to promote your wonderful fresh food to our large consumer following.
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